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New zine – How to eat more plants

October 2015. Available in Bristol 03/10/2015. Online by the end of the month.

Posted in Stuff about Zines.

Events, distros and other appearances

I have a lot of work to do on this whole self-promotion thing…

Check out Events & Distros for upcoming and past appearances; I’m aiming to keep it up-to-date.


Posted in Musings.

Just in! Buy hard copies of my zines with Paypal

I just created an online shop for my zines, so now you can buy them without messing about with shipping addresses and how to get money to me. Yay! Uses Paypal.

Buy now

Posted in Stuff about Zines.

PS Did I mention… new zine out now?!

DIY Cultures provided the urgency I needed to finally finish writing, editing, printing, photocopying and binding my new zine.


Hard Off #1 is out now; available to read online for free or you can buy a hard copy directly from me for ÂŁ3.

Comments welcome

Posted in Stuff about Zines.

DIY Cultures 2014 – bounce!

I’m lonely.

I had a great time.

Inbetween the first and the last, there was DIY Cultures.

Due to road closures (some running in Central London) and hoards of people (football fans and pubs), it was really difficult to actually get there; and I arrived just before the doors were due to open to the public.

But, I was really clear in my mind how I wanted the stall to be, so I setup super-fast.

My stall at the zine festival

Slow start, but it picked up.

Frustratingly, I’d misprinted the address of this blog as and it was a while before I spotted the error on my zines. I’m hoping Google will index so that people can find me here.

I was selling zines for a friend as well and we both sold a lot of stuff, hurray!

Shattered now, but trying to find details of other zine festivals happening so that I can be there…

Edited to add some…


  • I sold/swapped 6 copies of Unsewing My Lips (all that I took with me) and 13 copies of Hard Off #1 – whoot!
  • I’m really impressed with how organised the DIY Cultures organisers are; they do so much work
  • I learnt a lot about what I want to do better next time and I’m impatient for the next zine event 🙂
  • I loved my original table cloth (a mixture of scaves and table runners I’ve knitted) and one zinestar commented positively about that too
  • Meeting awesome people, here are some links Squid, Hysteria, International Nobody, Xubili, The Icarus Project

Posted in Stuff about Zines.


Lately (for the last two months, or so), I get most of my writing done in the odd bits of time I snatch around other things.

When I have long periods of uninterrupted time, I rarely use them for writing or editing. Instead, I’m getting it done when I’m crammed on to a train in rush hour, during my lunch hour, on my lap on the bus home, for a couple of minutes whilst I’m eating a hasty snack in the evening, as I’m falling asleep past my bedtime…

Tomorrow, I have two long train journeys, historically, the time I get most done in terms of writing & editing, so let’s see how that goes!


Posted in Musings.

prompt: WINDOWS

Someone said, I’m surprised birds don’t fly into windows more often.

At night, birds fly into the glass of buildings.
Hover, waiting for the disorientation to fade
Slightly stunned by the shock
Embarrassed, they dust themselves off.
Shake their feathers.
Pretend nothing happened.

But most birds do not survive the assault of our buildings on their skies.
Only their ghosts remain to throw shade.

Posted in Writing Challenges and Prompts.

prompt: Time collapses

Dreaming of silence, broken.

Not with words or by human tongue

But birds.

Piercing melodies cut the air

And I spin to catch sight of the choir

Hidden away in dense green leaves.

Today I dreamt of teeth, mine.

Teeth – falling. Out.

I awoke, in my dreams,

To my screams –

Only to awake, in my dreams,

Again –

And again –

Six times over “awaking” to bloody emptiness gaping,

An unsightly mess,

A fear that holds me tight in its grasp.

The last words I heard before bedtime were

“You really should go to the dentist”

And my knowledge of the fact followed me as I slipped into slumber

To terrorise me with warnings I have yet to heed.


Anxiety, I do not like you

But I will survive you.

Posted in Writing Challenges and Prompts.

Melancholy (Writing: Day 5)

I find it hard to move on.

I love to spend time on my own.

Sometimes when I see other people together it reminds me that I love to spend time with other people too, and I feel sad and unloved and unwanted.

But there are people who love me.

I don’t feel ready to get close to people in ways I’d like; I feel sad.

But I went street dancing.



Posted in Writing Challenges and Prompts.

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Don’t touch my hair. (Writing: Day 4)

“Why do you cover you head?
Is it to keep warm?”

It’s to keep out the cold of your colonising gaze.
It’s to ward you away, keep you at bay.
I feel your glares in my soul, bad days,
Your stares

I can’t suppress your wondering eyes
So I wear a disguise

Keeps us from despair
Don’t touch my hair.
Don’t even ask.

And damn right it’s not fair
Not fair that without this protection
You’d have fingers outstretched
Reaching, clutching, terrorising

I draw a bubble around myself

My shield

Stay away
Hands off

Posted in Writing Challenges and Prompts.

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